Well like all insurance companies, Progressive is dragging it’s feet at my claim. As you might remember, I was hit by a car back on September 29, and then the drive fled. The police report was release last week from the Tempe Police. If you take the time to read the police report it is very clear that the driver:
- Did not care that she had hit someone
- Did not feel that she had the “time” to wait for the police
- Based on the damage to the car she pulled over on top of me
- Was cited for causing the accident
- Was arrested and released for “hit and run”
Seems clear to me.
At this point I’m going to start looking for lawyer to put pressure on the insurance company. Too bad they can not just own up to their liability.
I guess Progressive is not a good as they claim to be in their ads.
In the mean time I’m still see the doctor a couple times a week to improve my back from the accident.
I also had to replace my rear wheel. It turns out that it was cracked during the accident.
BTW - The Tempe Police Department has been great through this whole thing.